
After the opposing team scores, you have to bring the ball across this line in 8 seconds. If the ball has passed the line to the other half of the court, it can not be brought back. This will cause a backcourt violation and the opposing team will get control of the ball.

At the start of the game, one player from each team will enter the mid circle. The referee will throw the ball up in the air, and the players will jump to catch it. The team whose player jumps the highest and catches the ball will start with the first ball possession of the game.

If a player scores from behind the line, the team will be awarded three points.

If the ball passes this line, the opponents of the player who was the last one to touch the ball will gain possession.

The defending team can not draw any charging fouls from the other team within this area.

If the ball passes this line, the opponents of the player who was the last one to touch the ball will gain possession. If a team scores, the opposing team will start their possession behind this line.

If a player stands in this area for more than three seconds, a three-second violation is called and possession of the ball is given to the other team.

If the ball hits the rim, the 24 second shot-clock will be reset. However, if the ball only hits the backboard no reset is made.

If you get fouled while shooting you get to stand inside this circle, but not further ahead than the edge of the colored area, and shoot between 1 to 4 free throws. How many free throws you get to shoot depends on the type of foul and where on the court it was committed.